PROJECT: Professor Assistant Console (PAC)


Pac is a event scheduler which helps to keep track of events. Attendance and performance of students can be tracked under each event. The user interacts with it using a Command Line Interface (CLI). It is written in Java, and has about 8k lines of code (LOC).

Summary of Contribution

Major Enhancement 1: added the ability to create an Event

Major Enhancement 2: implemented EventParser

Major Enhancement 3: implemented the control flow of the application

Minor Enhancement: added the ability to load/save existing data

Code contributed: here

Other contributions


I have written unit tests for Event, EventParser and Interpreter.

I have also written text-based UI test to test Event-related operations, such as add, delete, edit and list.

I have also written manual testing instructions for Event and Storage.


I have written in the User Guide and Developer Guide all the features/enhancements I have mentioned above.

Besides that, I have also written descriptions and drawn diagrams for Architecture, Command, Storage, Event (class) and Event (sequence).
